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Bronchodilator response cut-off points and FEV0.75 reference values for spirometry in preschoolers

Pontos de corte da resposta ao broncodilatador e valores de referência para VEF0,75 em espirometria de pré-escolares

Edjane Figueiredo Burity1, Carlos Alberto de Castro Pereira2, Marcus Herbert Jones3, Larissa Bouwman Sayão4, Armèle Dornelas de Andrade4, Murilo Carlos Amorim de Britto1


How to cite this article

Burity1 EF, Pereira2 CAC, Jones3 MH, Sayão4 LB, Andrade4 AD, Britto1 MCA. Bronchodilator response cut-off points and FEV0.75 reference values for spirometry in preschoolers. J Bras Pneumol. 2016;42(5):326-332

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