Continuous and bimonthly publication
ISSN (on-line): 1806-3756

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Instructions the Reviewers


Using the Sistema de Gestão de Publicações (SGP, Publishing Management System): In order to issue your ruling through the SGP, first type your login and password in the appropriate space at the top of the first page of the Journal homepage. Once logged in, click on the option REVIEWER. On the following page, click on PENDING REVIEWER FILES. Access the content of the green folder. In this folder, you will be able to access to articles in pdf and HTML formats. To review an article, click on FILL OUT THE RULING, even if you do not intend to complete the ruling immediately. This step is important so that the Administration Office will know of your approval. In case you cannot review the manuscript, click on RETURN THE ARTICLE. By doing so, we can seek a substitute reviewer. When your ruling is complete, please click on CONTINUE on each page until you reach the final page, where you will need to click on the option SEND TO THE EDITOR.


II. Reviewing: In order to standardize the quality of the reviews of the articles submitted to the Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology, we suggest that, during the analysis of the manuscript for which you are responsible, you bear in mind the following points:


  1. Adopt a didactic tone: even though some articles submitted to the journal might be considered to be of questionable quality, the adoption of an excessively high standard of demands can lead to unnecessary refusal of articles. In addition, many poorly written studies might have worthwhile content. Therefore, suggestions that might improve the quality of the study should be given priority over extremely incisive criticism.

  2. Attention to methodological aspects and to statistical analysis: We have had the opportunity of being alerted by colleagues about serious methodological mistakes, and inappropriate statistical analysis in articles about to be printed or already published. The detection of a problem of this nature is naturally very serious and it is difficult or even impossible that the editor do something at this point. Therefore, we emphasize the need of critical analysis of these aspects. As we all frequently have doubts in subjects of this nature, questions that arise can be asked to the editor-in-chief of this journal. We will then try to send the questions to a specialized consultant on epidemiology and statistics for analysis. Subsequently, this opinion will be sent back so that the reviewer can consider it in his or her final ruling.

  3. Respect for the norms of publication of the Journal: it is fundamental that authors follow the standards established for the Journal. The reviewers should also analyze aspects of form, the most important of which are as follows:
    1. Abstracts: For original articles, abstracts must be structured, using the headings Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Abstracts for review articles and case reports should be unstructured. Abstracts cannot exceed 250 words.
    2. Text size: excluding title page, abstracts, references, tables, figures and figure legends, word counts should not exceed 3000 for original articles, 5000 for review articles and 1500 for case reports.
    3. Number of figures and tables: original articles and cases series should contain a maximum of 5 illustrations (tables and figures); review articles should contain a maximum of 8; and case reports should contain a maximum of 3.
    4. Citation of references. The Journal adopts the system of references in order of entry (Vancouver style). The names of the authors of the references should only be mentioned in the body of the text in exceptional situations. As most articles derive from theses, the tendency to quote the name of the authors of articles previously published is a recurrent problem. When it occurs, please suggest the correction.
    5. Number of bibliographic references: the number of references should be limited to 30 for original articles, 60 for review articles and 20 for case reports.
    6. Reference entry: the journal currently employs librarians who correct the bibliographic references. However, it should be borne in mind that we follow the Vancouver style for citations, which has recently been revised to include the copies as well.
    7. Any questions regarding the stylistic aspects of the Journal can be clarified by consulting the Instruction for authors, which appear on the final pages of every copy of the Journal, and which are also available from:


III. Additional reading: Those interested in obtaining additional information on how to review a scientific article should open the link to the pdf file below, which contains the article: "How I review an original scientific article", written by Frederic G Hoppin Jr., and published in Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 166: 1019-1023, 2002. 


 Pdf file for download


IV Additional reading: Those interested in obtaining additional information on how to review a scientific article should open the link to the pdf file below, which contains the article: "How and why to review articles for the Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia", written by Bruno Guedes Baldi; Pedro Rodrigues Genta. J Bras Pneumol. 2019;45(5):e20190319


 Pdf file for download


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