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ISSN (on-line): 1806-3756

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Dispnéia crônica e alterações funcionais respiratórias em ex-trabalhadores com asbestose avaliados para concessão de benefício

Chronic Dyspnea and Altered Respiratory Function in Former Workers with Asbestosis Evaluated to Determine Benefits

Lara M. Nápolis, Andréa Ap. Sette, Ericson Bagatin, Mário Terra Filho, Reynaldo T. Rodrigues, Jorge Issamu Kavakama, José Alberto Neder, Luiz Eduardo Nery


Background: Dyspnea is a symptom that is difficult to evaluate, especially in occupational diseases. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between chronic dyspnea, in its varying degrees of severity, and the functional repercussions for dysfunction or incapacitation in former workers with asbestosis. Method: A total of 40 former workers diagnosed with asbestosis were evaluated. Dyspnea scores were determined using the modified Medical Research Council scale, the 1984 and 1993 American Medical Association scales, and the Baseline Dyspnea Index. Spirometry, measurement of diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide and cardiopulmonary exercise tests (incremental and submaximal) were also performed. Results: Based on scores obtained using the Medical Research Council and 1984 American Medical Association scales, respectively, 72.5% and 67.5% of the subjects were classified as dyspneic, compared with 37.5% and 31.6%, respectively, using the 1993 American Medical Association and Baseline Dyspnea Index scales. There was greater concordance between the Medical Research Council and 1993 American Medical Association scales, as well as between the 1984 and 1993 American Medical Association scales, when the categories of "absent" and "mild" were grouped. No significant relation was found between dyspnea, as determined by each of the scales, and functional abnormalities - either at rest or during exercise. Conclusion: In individuals with asbestosis, the degree of concordance among the available dyspnea scales varies significantly. There is a real need for dyspnea indices that evaluate respiratory dysfunction at rest and during exercise.

Keywords: Asbestosis/diagnosis. Dyspnea/physiopathology. Spirometry/methods.


Introdução: A dispnéia é um sintoma de difícil avaliação, principalmente nas doenças ocupacionais. Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre presença e intensidade de dispnéia crônica, e sua repercussão funcional em ex-trabalhadores com asbestose na avaliação de disfunção e incapacidade. Método: Escores de dispnéia pelas escalas Medical Research Council modificada, American Medical Association de 1984 e 1993 e Baseline Dyspnea Index foram obtidos em 40 ex-trabalhadores com diagnóstico de asbestose, os quais foram também submetidos a espirometria, medidas da capacidade de difusão pulmonar do monóxido de carbono e testes de exercício cardiopulmonar incremental e submáximo. Resultados: Dispnéia esteve presente em 72,5% e 67,5% dos indíviduos de acordo com as escalas do Medical Research Council e American Medical Association de 1984, respectivamente e em apenas 37,5% e 31,6% dos pacientes de acordo com as escalas American Medical Association de 1.993 e Baseline Dyspnea Index. Houve melhor concordância entre as escalas Medical Research Council e American Medical Association de 1993, e American Medical Association de 1984 e American Medical Association de 1993 quando as graduações "ausente" e "leve" foram agrupadas. Não foi observada relação significativa entre dispnéia de acordo com cada uma das escalas e presença de anormalidades funcionais no repouso e/ou exercício. Conclusão: O nível de concordância entre as escalas de dispnéia varia significativamente em indivíduos com asbestose. Há falta de relação dos índices de dispnéia com variáveis que avaliam disfunção respiratória em repouso e exercício.

Palavras-chave: Asbestose/diagnóstico. Dispnéia/fisiopatologia. Espirometria/métodos.



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