Continuous and bimonthly publication
ISSN (on-line): 1806-3756

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Letters to the Editor

Review Article

Chemoprophylaxis in the prevention of tberculosis

Quimioprofilaxia na prevenção da tuberculose

Norma I Soza Pineda, Susan M. Pereira, Eliana Dias Matos, Mauricio L Barreto

J Bras Pneumol.2004;30(4):485-495

Original Article

Overprescription of short-acting β2 agonists: reflections from the SABINA study in Brazil

Prescrição excessiva de β2-agonistas de curta duração: reflexões a partir do estudo SABINA no Brasil

Martti Anton Antila1, Adelmir Souza-Machado2,4, Marcelo Gervilla Gregório3, Álvaro A Cruz4,5, Luciene Angelini6, Maarten J H I Beekman7, Gilmar Alves Zonzin8, Marcelo Fouad Rabahi9

J Bras Pneumol.2024;50(1):e20230174





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