Virgínia Pacheco Guimarães1,a, Débora Marques de Miranda2,b, Marco Antônio Soares Reis1,c, Thamine Lessa Andrade3,d, Renato Lopes Matos4,e, Maria Raquel Soares5,6,f, Carlos Alberto de Castro Pereira5,6,g
J Bras Pneumol.2019;45(5):e20180262
Objective: To derive reference values from white race adults, for DCO in a sample from different sites in Brazil, through the same equipment model (Sensormedics), and compare the results with the derivatives from Crapo, Miller, Neder equations and from the Global Lung Initiative (GLI) proposal. Methods: The tests were performed according to the norms suggested by ATS/ERS in 2005 in six Brazilian cities, with 120 adult volunteers of each gender, non-smokers, without referred anemia and without lung or cardio diseases. The expected values were derived from linear regressions and the differences between the values forecasted by some authors and the ones observed in the current study were calculated. Results: Among men, the age varied between 25 and 88 years old, and the height varied between 140 and 176 cm. DCO was correlated significantly and positively with the height and negatively with the age. The values forecasted by Crapo, Neder, and Miller equations were higher in comparison with the ones obtained by the current study (p<0.01) in both genders. Among men, the values did not differ when compared to the ones calculated by GLI (p=0.29); among women, the values derived by GLI were slightly higher: 0.99 ml/min/mmHg (p<0.01). Conclusion: new values forecasted for DCO were derived in a sample of white adults in Brazil. The forecasted values are similar to the ones complied by GLI equations and differ from the previously proposed equations.
Keywords: Transfer factor; Pulmonary diffusing capacity; Diffusion; Carbon monoxide; Reference values; Lung function tests.