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ISSN (on-line): 1806-3756

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Open Access Peer-Reviewed

My time at the JBP

O JBP que vivi

Geraldo Lorenzi-Filho1

Reflecting on the history of our Journal brings to mind the image of a long relay race with batons. I am extremely proud to be a part of this history. It all started when Professor Carlos Carvalho encouraged the residents to write a review. Publishing in the Journal of Pulmonology was a dream of mine. I recall the day I received the letter notifying me that, after extension, careful revision to address the concerns of the reviewers, my article had been accepted. That day remains clear in my memory. What a joy it was to become a member of such a select group. The careful reader will soon realize that 25 years have passed since that fateful day.(1) The years rolled by; I became enamored with research, earned my doctorate, did my postdoctoral work in Canada, and began to publish in other journals. However, the Journal of Pulmonology continued to occupy a special place in my little library. One night, Dr. Pereira called me at home. The invitation to become the editor of the Journal of Pulmonology was intoxicating. I had lost track of the passing time, and I realized that it was now my turn to lead. I drove to Botucatu to learn everything I could from the distinguished Professor Thais Queluz. The experience that I accumulated during my fleeting tenure as Editor (2003-2004) was unique and had a significant impact on my life. I dedicated myself body and soul to my new job. During my time as editor, I realized just how many instrumental people there were and just how much potential the Brazilian Thoracic Society had. I got involved with all aspects of the Journal, from copy editing to the advertising and financial aspects, as well as the proofreading of the Portuguese, the translation of the articles into English. We also created bylaws for the Journal itself and modified the bylaws of the Society, as well as redefining the role and clarifying the functions of the Editor. The format of the Journal changed, as did its name. After an extensive survey of all of our associates, the Journal of Pulmonology became the JBP. Passing the baton to Professor Baddini-Martinez, who worked actively on the Journal during my term as editor, made me certain that our dear child would be well cared for and would continue to flourish. The current status of the Journal proves that I was right.


1. Lorenzi-Filho G, Barbas CSV, Carvalho CRR, Capelozzi VD. Gonçalves CR, Saldiva PHN, et al. Manifestações intratorácicas da doença de Behçet. J Pneumol. 1990;16(3):155-60.


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