Luiz Carlos Severo, Patricia Ritter, Victor Flávio Petrillo, Cícero Armídio Gomes Dias, Nelson da Silva Porto
Rhodococcus equi, the principal agent of rhodococcosis, is a pleomorphic, gram-positive, aerobic coccus bacillus that infects humans by inhalation or through a transcutaneous route. It is clinically manifested as a pulmonary abscess. The first two Brazilian cases of rhodococcosis are reported on. Both patients were immunocompromised and showed pulmonary infection. The first patient had AIDS and cavitating pneumonia in the left upper lobe, that was fatal. The second case presented Goodpasture syndrome and was under chronic corticotherapy. He displayed a cavitating nodular lesion in the right upper lobe, that was successfully treated with sulfametoxazol-trimethoprim.
Keywords: Actinomycetal infections. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Goodpasture syndrome. Brazil.