Maricélia Brommelstroet, José Fioravante Tosatti da Rosa,
Paulo César Buffara Boscardim, Carlos Augusto Schmidlin, Sérgio Shibata
J Bras Pneumol.2001;27(5):269-271
Ludwig's angina is an infection of the submandibular space generally caused by an infection of the 2nd or 3rd lower molar. As a consequence, descending necrotizing mediastinitis, a rare and severe form of mediastinal infection, may occur. The descending necrotizing mediastinitis represents a rare form of mediastinal infection. It presents a high mortality and to decrease that rate it is necessary prompt diagnosis and surgical treatment. Two cases of descending necrotizing mediastinitis due to Ludwig's angina were treated with excellent results in our hospital. The transcervical mediastinal drainage is justified in patients with disease limited to the upper mediastinum. Even so, when there is extensive involvement of the whole
mediastinum it is suitable the accomplishment of a wide thoracotomy.
Keywords: Ludwig's angina. Mediastinitis. Diagnosis. Treatment. Surgery.