Marta Maciel Lyra Cabral, Bruno Canto C. de A. Azevedo, Lílian Maria Lapa Montenegro, Rosana de Albuquerque Montenegro, Andrea Santos Lima, Haiana Charifker Schindler
J Bras Pneumol.2005;31(3):261-264
This article presents a case report of osteoarticular tuberculosis affecting lumbar sacral column non-typical attack. The diagnosis remains a medical challenge because the symptoms and bone lesions are not specific and can be mislead with other morbidity such as inflammatory, circulatory, metabolic, traumatic, congenital and tumoral diseases. The disease is degenerative and the prognosis not satisfactory. Besides the clinical aspects and laboratory, imaging results, including computed tomography and magnetic ressonance, are discussed. A PCR system targeting the IS 6110 of M. tuberculosis was positive, strongly suggesting the presence of this pathogen. This assay would be particularly indicated when quick and sensitive diagnosis of tuberculosis is required.
Keywords: Tuberculosis. Spondylitis. PCR. Diagnostic.